Have you purchased your own kayak, but lack the confidence to explore Chattanooga’s scenic waterways safely? Join Outdoor Chattanooga for an introduction to flatwater paddling course that will give you the confidence to safely and smartly paddle Chattanooga’s scenic waterways! Bring your own kayak or borrow one of ours.
Paddle Smart Chattanooga classes are taught by Outdoor Chattanooga’s experienced paddling instructors. They’ll share their knowledge and offer insight on the best ways to set up your boat, transporting your craft, paddling techniques, navigation essentials, entry and exit practices, self rescue techniques, TN boater laws, understanding CFS-water flow and how it can affect you, safety precautions and resources for recreational paddling in the Chattanooga area. You’ll learn the basics to keep yourself safe in any scenario and proper trip planning skills to make the most of every water-based adventure!
Cost: $10 per person for those that have and use their own equipment
$35 for those that need to use Outdoor Chattanooga equipment which includes a recreational kayak, paddle and lifejacket.
Chester Frost County Park/ Chickamauga Lake
This class is appropriate for children as young as 10 years of age, but they must be accompanied by a participating adult.
Online Registration is required. Class size is limited.