City Council Building-1-Council Chambers (166)
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- City Council Building-1-Council Chambers (166)
ALL: Budget and Finance Committee
City Council Building-1-Council Chambers (166)Update on the status of STVR tax rates & what TN law says.
ALL: Budget and Finance Committee
City Council Building-1-Council Chambers (166)Topic will include STVR property tax; hotel/motel tax uses; the NovaGlobal contract; city vehicle assignment; and the 22nd Century temporary agency contract.
ALL: Affordable Housing Committee
City Council Building-1-Council Chambers (166)Topic:Initial Findings of the Market Value Analysis (MVA) completed by the Reinvestment Fund. The city engaged the Reinvestment FUnd to provide a detailed analysis of our housing markets to help guide investments in affordable housing. They will have a representative, Ira Goldstein, in town to present.
ALL: Budget and Finance Committee
City Council Building-1-Council Chambers (166)FY24 Budget Overview (Budget Delivery: Notebook/PDF/Website)
ALL: Affordable Housing Committee
City Council Building-1-Council Chambers (166)Topic: Eviction Prevention Update A second topic is pending confirmation
ALL: Economic Development
City Council Building-1-Council Chambers (166)ALL: Economic Development Committee Meeting
City Council Building-1-Council Chambers (166)RE: Department updates
ALL: Legislative Committee
City Council Building-1-Council Chambers (166)RE: Legislation Regarding City Election Cycle & Term Limits
ALL: Equity and Community Development Committee
City Council Building-1-Council Chambers (166)RE: Quarterly Department Update