Dam Kayak Tour/ Chickamauga Locks
Join us for a guided kayak tour on the Tennessee River and the unforgettable experience of locking down through the TVA Chickamauga Dam. This is a beginner friendly trip and […]
Forest Bathing: Nature Hike for the Mind and Body
Science and research supports what we innately know, that time spent immersed in nature is good for us. Join Outdoor Chattanooga for a free walking tour to help guide you into […]
Paddle Smart: An Introduction to Flatwater Paddling
Chester frostJoin Outdoor Chattanooga for an introduction to flatwater paddling course that will give you the confidence to safely and smartly paddle Chattanooga's scenic waterways! Bring your own kayak or borrow […]
Learn to Skateboard
Chattanooga Skate Park, 1801 Reggie White Blvd, Chattanooga, TN 37408, USAReady to kick start your skateboarding adventures? Not sure how to get started or what gear to use?Outdoor Chattanooga's Learn to Skateboard class is for you!Join Outdoor Chattanooga and local […]
Foxwood Heights Neighborhood Association
Eastdale YFD Center, 1312 Moss St, Chattanooga, TN 37411, USA 800 Moss St, United StatesEastdale Neighborhood Association
Eastdale YFD Center, 1312 Moss St, Chattanooga, TN 37411, USA 800 Moss St, United StatesAlton Park Community Market
The Bethlehem Center, 200 W 38th St, Chattanooga, TN 37410, USABike the Boardwalk: South Chickamauga Greenway
Lost Mound Drive, Lost Mound Dr, Chattanooga, TN 37406, USAReservations and payment are required in advance as space is limited. Click here to register online or call 423-634-6888 with questions or to learn more.Join Outdoor Chattanooga on a guided and equipped […]
Rapid Learning Whitewater Kayak- RIVER
LEARN TO WHITEWATER KAYAK!This is a beginner class on class I-II moving water for participants in the Rapid Learning Whitewater Program who have attended an introduction /essentials class on the […]